Thursday 29 May 2014

Dallas Buyers club - Innovative tragedy

As an Indian, living at the other side of the Holloywood, watching and following Movies could be limited to the Knowledge of available cinema in India. My fantasy on good movies made me write and maintain a blog to share with similar mind audience anywhere in the world.
This review would be rather irrelevant if I do not mention about the period the movie has as the  backdrop. It was the time when AIDS awareness was spreading among the public and what happened in dark rooms came to light because of this immune disease. The hero of the movie named Ron is a freak of a person who did drugs, sex and scandalous bull fight biding. The director does not ply to much on the past and the screen play moves on with fighting against AIDS as the thread. Being informed that he has the dread full illness, and he is counting his days to grave. Even though he abused the doctor and did not believe at first as he thought only homosexuality can case AIDS, later went through some informations from a information center and confirmed on the disease and what are all the other possible ways it can get affected. Thus the Movie moves on how Ron wanted to get medication desperately and methods he try to get the pills ( which was banned in US). He hit the riches when he did a expedition to Mexico and where he meets a doctor who was helping the AIDS affected persons. What initially looked like a quick killer disease, slowly started defying the doctors term of life and the hero started hitting his riches by getting a lot of pills ( improves ones immune )  and vitamin tablet as substitute. He bought a lot of pills and muscled it from Mexico to US and eventually convince the guards that his problem in his body need to be treated with the life saving pills, then he started selling it to the affected people.
Due to the demand he started a club and supplied Drugs only to the members. Ron meets a gay at hospital when he was admitted for a unexpected collapse. He become his partner in business and they grew in spiraling upward movement. This brought the irk of the authority and they started troubling him regularly.  His friends who deserted him knowing his disease, slowly accepted him and such one of them is a cop and his play in the movie is also significant.
Eventually, how Ron fights the authority, manages his relationship and how he becomes a hero of the affected community is the climax. This movie need to be appreciated in the real life story line movie category.  This movie has drugs and sex, so kindly avoid seeing it with your family. This issue of AIDS is still a debated and hot topic and that is why it made all the attention in the US media. In the end the US government legalize the drug what Ron introduced, comes as a surprise. The Movie also throw a glimpse on how other government deals with life saving drugs and how US government safe guard their commercial interest.
The Movie is a interesting movie to watch and it gives immense information on how life saving drugs need to fight against their opponents of pleasure drugs.   

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